Gedang Mekuah is a traditional Indonesian green papaya soup. During our stay at Munduk Moding Plantation in Gobleg, Bali, we got the chance to cook this soup the traditional way. It was a completely different experience and I highly recommend doing it. You get another chance to dive deeper into another culture and learn more about their background.


    • 1 large, unripe green papaya (1½ lb)
    • 6 cloves of garlic
    • 6 shallots
    • ½ cup natural/unsalted peanuts
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
    • 4 stalks of lemongrass, bruised
    • 4 large or 6 medium bay leafs

Grind into a paste:

  • 2 shallots
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 2 chili peppers
  • 12gr galangal
  • 4 gr turmeric
  • 4 gr ginger


  1. In a pot heat 2 liters of water with peanuts
  2. Slice 4 cloves of garlic and 4 shallots 
  3. Cut papaya in bite size pieces and put them aside in a small bowl, filled with room temperature water (water should cover the fruit pieces)
  4. Rice all “paste ingredients” together until you’ve created a paste (comparable to a convenience curry paste) and set aside
  5. In a large pan heat up coconut oil and stir-fry sliced garlic and shallots until crisp
  6. Remove garlic and shallots (not the oil) from pan and mix the paste into it. Scramble paste with oil and let it simmer for a few minutes and stir occasionally. After a couple of minutes the mixture should be boiled down, remove pan and mix the oil-paste into the peanut water
  7. Add papaya slices and bay leaves, let it simmer uncovered
  8. Rice 5-6 lemon grass pieces (to open up the flavor) and put into your soup
  9. Cook the soup for about 10-15 minutes or until the papayas are evenly coated and change color (be careful, don’t overcook it)
  10. Pour the soup into small bowls, top it with stir-fried garlic and shallots and serve immediately

